Intenzivní kurz angličtiny v letní podvečery v Jindřichově Hradci
Týdenní intenzivní kurz pro opakování a poznávání tematických slovíček a vylepšení schopnosti konverzace v anglickém jazyce. Vhodné alespoň pro úroveň B1/B1+ v anglické konverzaci – většina rozhovorů a výuky bude v anglickém jazyce, čeština se bude používat jen v krajní nouzi. 🙂
Datum: 14. – 18. 7. 2025
Lektorka: Bc. Kateřina Gálová
Místo: Jindřichův Hradec
Určeno pro: pokročilé studenty na úrovni B1/B1+
V čase: 17:00 – 19:00
Cena: 3 100 Kč
Getting to know each other, topic of shopping
- introductions, about us, our lives and families
- talk about our work, studies, our part and our future
small talk – weather, hobbies
Guess Who?
- a practice of making questions and short answers, descriptive vocabulary
- a variant where one person thinks of an object/person …, and tries to describe it by their own words, others should guess
- online shopping, shopping in physical shops
- we will talk about different shops, the names of them, what items can be bought there
- we will compare online shopping to shopping physically, paying by card and by cash …
- model conversation – one is seller, rest are shopping for something / complaints / return of goods we didn’t like
- our favourite shops, the ones we do not like, our personal experience
Topic of nature, environment, fauna and flora
- we will talk about nature, its beauty and its dangers
- we would talk about how the nature has changed over our lives and over the years of humanity
- what do we like about nature, why it is important
- talk about the environment now, how it was in the past and how we think it will develop in the future
- problems, pollution, waste – possible sollutions we would have for it
- Model scenarios – I would create a scenario which you would find a sollution to, or at least a suggestion
- modal verbs of obligation – have to, must, should, need and their negatives
Fauna and flora
- talk about animals and plants, which we have here, our favourites, (the little
speaking break in between the topics to relax our brains)
Technology and science
- we will talk about our greatest inventions, talk about their advantages and posible
improvements - a topic of uncertain future – speculatin what inventions we would like to see in the future, what would be good to come up with
- phones and computers – how often we use them and for what
- dangers of technology and internet
- technology in differents parts of life
- a small mention about AI
- talk about the development of ithealthcare
- space travel, sea exploration …
- 1st and 2nd conditionals
Business and jobs
- Talk about jobs we have, what we found challenging, why we like it
- Previous working experience, potential future jobs and opportunities
- Job training, trial perionds, internships
- Do you know any bussiness people? Any owners of business?
- What do we think makes a successful businessman, how to get famous
- How to set up a business
- vocabulary and phrases for business English, which will later be used in our scenario
- Model situation – we, as a team would like to set up a business – what type, how, our budget, plan,
costs … - attempt to set up a functinal business, think of our customers, strong and weak
- points, future problems and possible solutions
Mass media
- types of them, when and how do we use these, what are the advantages and disadvantages
- how they developed from the past
- Radio – talk about how it used to be in the past and now, do we still use the radio? Is it for the same
purpose as it was in the past - Newspaper
- Television
- Internet
- Scams and fake news – talk about how we can spot those, how to avoid it, dangers of it
- Active and Passive voice